Saturday, January 9, 2021

May I give a report?


Give a report?

Oh, please do! How is the elephant eating going? Are you finding it hard to chew, distasteful, or delightful?

Since I shared my elephant with all of you last week, I will start us off by giving you my report. Remember...accountability is a big part of eating away at that elephant!

It was a good, but tiring week for me. I'm going to say that I actually ate the entire head. Why did I start with the head? Because that seems like where the focus is..the head directs where the rest of the body goes. So, if I have made firm plans about where I am headed (pun intended) with this business project, everything else will fall into line. I don't want the tail wagging the elephant! So, I went straight for the eyeballs...I set up a domain name and found a website host. I also committed to a year's worth of business coaching to help me get my website set up and running. 

What about the trunk that you still see? Ok, well maybe I didn't eat the entire head....that's the only thing left, though. I may save that to the end...leaving this picture in front of me as a reminder to not get too far "ahead" of myself...ha!

Because, if I'm not careful, I will get off track, and start looking at the birds flying around the elephant, or get lazy, or frustrated because one of those other elephants got all of my attention for a couple of days. Or, jump ahead and not follow the laid out procedures. I do that a lot, and quite often with disastrous results. However, if all that remains of the head is the trunk, then I will remember that I have made progress, and that it is possible to consume the entire elephant. And that the hardest part is already done.

Goals accomplished: 
1 - finished 5 days of FaceBook Live training, and about 3 hours of associated homework.
2 - fine-tuned my target market
3 - found trainers that I trust and feel comfortable with
4 - made the financial commitment necessary to eat the entire elephant
5 - family survived.......

Oh......and I would say that the head was quite chewy...not distasteful, or delightful....but quite chewy, tough, and challenging. But, I feel so good about what I've gotten done so far.

What's next? I'm thinking I'm going to start with one of those front feet, because I will be working on the foundations of my website.

Now it's your turn...what part did you start on? Did you get done what you wanted to get done for the week? What's next? Are you enjoying it, or are you having second thoughts about the elephant you chose? It's never too late to change your mind or direction, if where you are going isn't right for you. Just don't give up too soon. (I'll let you in on a secret.....sometimes I think the elephant regenerates parts while we sleep. So, even though we thought that part was consumed, we come back later only to find that it is still there. Not to worry, as long as we are alive, there will be elephant to eat.)

I would love to hear back from you. Drop me a line and let me know how it's going. It's a big elephant, so don't forget to get the help you need along the way!

Talk to ya later,

p.s.  If your skin is looking like the elephant's.... I can help you with that. Wrinkly skin solutions

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