Saturday, October 24, 2020

Start with the Basics?

As Julie Andrews used to sing..."Let's start at the very beginning....a very good place to start..."

I have so many childhood memories tied to that movie....very bittersweet, but I'll save that for another time.

And, speaking of childhood, which is a beginning of sorts, my topic for today is about establishing one particular habit that is very important to long term healthy habits.  

Did you know that your skin is your largest body organ, and your first line of defense against disease and infection? Think of healthy skin as a strong wall, and the only weak spots in the wall are our eyes, ears, mouth and nose...the places where germs get in the most easily. And frequent hand-washing is needed because we touch our faces so many times a day.

If young ladies, and gentlemen, will learn to wash their face twice a day when they are young, they are much less likely to have acne and other skin problems as they age. The natural oils on our skin attract dirt and become the perfect breeding ground for all kinds of germs and chemicals that are damaging to our skin. Be sure and find a cleanser that isn't too drying, or that will cause other problems. And, as they move into their teen years, adding a moisturizer will be the next step.

But for now, just start at the beginning, with Step 1. Wash your face twice a day.

And of course, I would love the opportunity to be a part of that process, if you have any questions. 


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