Friday, October 2, 2020

Ask "What's Up?"

 Good morning, Ladies,

I has been a really long time since I have posted anything in this blog. I have a million reasons, and none of them are acceptable to me. So, I'm just going to let it go, and keep on moving forward.

It may not seem like a big thing to anyone else, but it is a significant development at our house. I have officially become a coffee drinker. Even after working nights for years, I never learned to like the taste of coffee....especially hours old, hospital coffee. But then I discovered the value of Keto Coffee...that's a whole 'nother ball game. Powder that is sweet, creamy, and full of healthy fats and collagen. I'm now up to 2 cups a day. Between my husband and me, the Keurig stays busy most of the day.

Like you, 2020 has been an interesting year for us. I suppose in another 10 years, we will be reminiscing about how we spent this year, and the lessons that we learned. I've certainly learned my share. I would love to hear back from you guys about what this year has been teaching you. 

Ya'll hang in there. Like the Bible says, this too "shall come to pass." 



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