Friday, November 13, 2020

Take a moment?

Please do.

Meanwhile, something happened this morning that made my heart rejoice, so I just wanted to share it with you....

I normally get up very early in the morning so that I can have some quiet, uninterrupted time to read my Bible, pray, and think through the day ahead. My day always goes so much better when I have this time.

Today was no different in that regard, but it's what my 3rd grade son did this morning that I think is so awesome. He is like most boys that age...never ready to go to bed at night, and rarely ready to get up the next morning, especially on a school morning. But, we have been working on helping him go to bed more easily at night, and also encouraging him to make more healthy breakfast choices. Last night, he asked for hot chocolate with his breakfast. I kind of kicked-back on that one...I'm thinking chocolate, sugar...probably not the best choice. So, I didn't make any promises. But, he got up on his own this morning. Wow! Happy Momma dance at this point. So, when he requested his hot chocolate, I was all over that.  I even heated the milk in a pot instead of just heating hot water in the microwave!

He ate his breakfast of sausage and biscuit, and tried sipping on his really HOT chocolate. It was foggy this morning. He was looking outside as he was sitting, and asked about it. "Is it cold outside?"  "Chilly", I said. "Can I take my hot chocolate outside and drink it out there so that it will cool off?" I objected a little. My momma brain is thinking cold and damp....and then I realized that it really was a harmless request. So out he went, no jacket, but carefully clutching his cup of hot chocolate followed by "don't spill..don't get any on your uniform..."

Then, the momma moment came....because this is a boy that usually can't wait to get at the computer to play a game, or pick up his Kindle and watch something on it. Or, talk non-stop about his favorite movie characters, or grumble about anything and everything. It's a constant battle to control it. But today......this morning.....he sat on the back porch, looking out over the backyard, and sipping his hot chocolate. He sat, and watched, and sipped. He looked so grown-up. He was quiet, and listening and watching. (And yes, I took a picture through the blinds while he wasn't looking.)

He took a moment....a moment of solitude with just his own thoughts. No electronic voices and images grabbing for his attention. Just him, and the birds, and the fog.....and his cup of hot chocolate. And a precious moment it was. I hope he got a glimpse of the treasure that is in a moment like that, and that he will always seek to set aside time for them. For in them, we learn so much about ourselves, and the world around us.

So my friend, what does your "moment" look like? Are you taking time to just sit, and relax, and enjoy the moment? Please do. And when you do, I would love to hear about it.

Wishing you many wonderful moments,


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