Sorry, that sounds harsh, doesn't it? But, I am speaking from personal experience. I spent so many years just getting up and going to work, shopping, cleaning, cooking, doing laundry, and living from paycheck to paycheck. I didn't like it then, and I don't ever want to fall into that trap again. I could never tell whether I was making any progress in any area of my life, or whether I was just spinning around the same circle, day after day......and hey....I'm considered "elderly". I'm supposed to be full of good advice, so that's why I just go ahead and offer it on a regular basis.
But what about letting God lead? Doesn't planning and goal-setting assume that I am in control, and not God?
NO. And here's why....life is so full of so many distractions, that unless we are very intentional about living it, the days, and years will go by with very little to show for it. I'm not necessarily talking about big financial goals, or career goals. I'm really talking about some very abstract goals, like being the best mom or wife that I can be. Or maybe, it's something like "being more Christ-like". That is an awesome goal. Yet very abstract. However, it can be broken down into measurable, concrete goals. So, if that were to be your goal..... How "Christ-like" is your life today? What does your walk with the Lord look like? What would you like for it to look like this time next year? More Bible reading, more prayer? How do you record and measure that? If you are striving to be more Christ-like, then God promises to walk beside you, and to guide and direct you. He will be in control, and you will have peace and joy because you will be living your life in obedience to him. There is nothing more "successful" than that! And, activities that can be written down and recorded are measurable. Thus, you are on your way to living intentionally inside God's will. So, define what success looks like to you, choose some specific, measurable goals, and get started!
Another example.... if being the best mom you can be is a goal for you, spend some time deciding what that looks like to you. Quality time? Great! How do you define that? How can you measure it? Making home-cooked meals. Great! EVERY meal, or just most meals? Think about it. Don't use someone else's measure, use your own. Make it a reasonable, attainable goal.
This can be the the hard part. How will I know if or when I have reached that goal? The below graphic is a well-known method of setting goals. It's simple, and it works. Any goal has to be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound.

Another key to success...use a planner.
I have used several different planners over the years to help me plan, goal set, and be more productive. I always have more I want to do and accomplish, and the task doesn't get any easier as I get older. I'm using one called a "Passion Planner." So far, so good. Feel free to check back with me in a few months. Ha-ha! Allowing others to hold us accountable to our goals is a great way to be more effective in reaching them. (Think Weight Watchers meetings.) Been there, done that! I had a specific weight goal. My progress was recorded weekly. I had specific guidelines about what and when to eat. Weight loss was certainly relevant, the goal weight was attainable, and I had a time-goal in mind. And, yes, I was successful. I just didn't continue to make weight maintenance a goal. So, guess, what? I gained all of the weight back because I didn't continue to be accountable, measure my progress, or follow any of the guidelines that led to my original success.
And so I digressed, but I think you get the idea. Choose to move forward with goal setting for 2020. You will be so glad that you did. And the more that you record your successes and failures, the more you will learn and be ready to keep moving forward every year!