Now, I may offend some people with this one, but this general topic has become really big to me. Because since I have changed my relationship with food, my health has dramatically improved. Let me be as brief as possible right now, but I would love to talk more specifics in the future.
Over the last several decades, in just my lifetime, America's food supplies and eating habits have changed dramatically. I believe there are at least FIVE major reasons:
1 - Much more quantity and variety of foods are available. Jet air travel and affordable, portable refrigeration have made it possible to import and maintain food from all over the world, all year round.
2 - Somewhere around the 1960's, the medical establishment decided that fat was the enemy. That is gradually changing, and the topic of discussion for a later date..
3 - When doctors started prescribing low-fat diets, processed food manufacturers replaced fat with sugar and sugar substitutes. We all know how addictive sugar is.
4 - Fast food is EVERYWHERE, and our current lifestyle demands instant gratification. We all know fast food isn't healthy, but we all enjoy the benefits of drive through convenience. The pickiest of eaters (kids) can be satisfied quickly and easily.
5 - Our stomachs are used to feeling over-full. We have made over-eating, and the feeling that comes with it, normal. Trust me....stuffed is not normal. It's called gorging.
And don't even get me started on candy for the kids......
Which leads me to say..."If I were you....."
Spend some time thinking about your relationship with food. Ask yourself a few questions:
- Do I eat only when I am hungry?
- Am I an emotional eater?
- Do I "reward", or bribe myself or my kids with food treats?
- Do I think about what's for lunch as soon as I finish breakfast, and it's not because I'm responsible for making sure that others are fed?
- Who is in charge of when and what I stomach, heart, or head?
- Am I at a healthy weight?
Social gatherings almost always involve food. That is a good thing, and it's important. Everyone has fond memories around family recipes and get-togethers. They are special occasions. We just have to remember that fact. Over-eating, especially desserts and sweets are not the way God designed for us to eat everyday.
When we can teach ourselves and our children to have a proper relationship with food - in other words, we eat because we need to - we will accomplish TWO major goals:
1 - We will prevent and yes, cure, much of what is wrong with our health now and in the future.
2 - We will learn to practice self-control, or temperance, to use the Bible term.
There is power in self-control.
So we will talk about this some more later......Thanks for asking!!!
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